Category Archives: Family Values

Class is Never Dismissed

I pride myself on not being a social media expert.However, I have recently broke down and created an Instagram account, in order to connect with the youth at our church. There have been many conversations at home about this new world that I have stepped into. This afternoon, my three-year-old little girl stated that she just saw something on her Instagram. Of course she doesn’t have an Instagram, or a phone at that. She has heard mom and dad in recent days, mostly dad, struggling to understand this new social platform. We have found that if you say anything enough times in a sentence, especially in the presence of a very chatty little girl, she’ll be able to not only pronounce it, but also use it correctly in a conversation. This was quite humorous until I realized the seriousness of this new discovery. It’s one thing when our little girl is singing “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”, but it’s another when it’s Instagram. Our children, even in toddlerhood, are listening intently to our words. What do they hear us say? Everything. We often scratch our heads as to why our children say the things they do, yet it is often the overflow of what they are hearing.

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There are no ‘quick fixes’…

Our culture demands quick fixes. We live in a fast paced society that cannot be held up by a slow diagnosis and lengthy waits when we must produce results – time is money. We often handle our spiritual lives in the same way. Sin breaks down the routine of the day and we look for a quick way to sweep it to the side so that we can get up and continue in the rat race. The thing about putting sin to death in our lives is that there is not a fast diagnosis and such work demands evaluation of the heart.

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