All posts by Patti Chambers

Parents: Be Trustworthy


Trust: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.

God is completely trustworthy! His Word is reliable and irrevocable! Teaching our children to trust God is ultimately anchored to our trustworthiness as parents!

Imagine you go through the drive-thru of your favorite hamburger stop. When you open the box and take your first bite, if all you get is a mouth full of bread you will naturally exclaim, “Where’s the beef?”! The treasure within trust is the concept of truth. Without truth, trust is an empty crust. When a yummy, mouth-watering burger is promised….just bread won’t do!

If your hamburger people fail you again- you will probably not trust them!

Children need to experience the meat of your word. Empty promises leave them hungry. When they know they can trust you, children begin to understand that God is trustworthy too. They can believe the Bible is true because you said it is true and they trust you. As they grow, a more mature understanding of who God is will cause trust to deepen. A personal relationship will take the place of your voucher.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Continue reading Parents: Be Trustworthy

“Moo”, says the Cow

“WHAT does the dog say?”

“Ruff – Ruff!”


“WHAT does the lamb say?”

“Baaa – Baaa!”

“Very good!”

Isn’t it fun to watch a toddler learn to relate to her world? It is the beginning of a journey over many hills and through deep valleys of information that will take years to master. But the parent does not tire when preparing the child to strap on the boots and take her first steps on the journey of learning.

Continue reading “Moo”, says the Cow